Monday, July 18, 2011


We are learning about books!  Some new terms we will be learning are: fiction, non-fiction, author, illustrator, and binding.  We are also writing autobiographies, and getting some extra writing practice!


Our preschool class just finished a section on habitats.  We learned about different animals of the rain forest, the ocean and the desert.  We found out that there are 4 layers in the rain forest: emergent, canopy, understory, and the forest floor.  The ocean has different types of animals at the surface, in the open ocean, and on the ocean floor.  And the desert has both nocturnal (night time) and diurnal (day time) animals.  Our class also got to taste several different foods from each habitat, some of which we hadn't ever tried before.  Mango and bananas were two of our favorites from the rain forest, but the peppers were not a big hit.  We really liked the crab, and salmon from the ocean but not many liked the seaweed.  The desert had some interesting foods, feta cheese and figs were the favorites, but dates surprisingly were not.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Meet Mr. Joe

Hi All,

     I would like to introduce you to my husband Joe.  Joe works for an engineering startup and creates everything from board games to computer simulators.  Mr. Joe (as the kids call him) will be coming in to the classroom for a couple of hours on Wednesday mornings to read and do crafts with the kids.  We are so excited to have him!

Teacher Kate

Teacher Kate Got Married!!

Hi guys,

    So one month ago I got married!  It was a beautiful ceremony.  It was also wonderful to have my family in town from Michigan.  Joe and I went to Alaska for our honeymoon, and it was gorgeous and very relaxing.

    I am so happy to be back at school, and we have so much going on in our classes.  Last week we celebrated International Mud Day!  What a blast!  The water flowed into the mud pit and the kids had a ball.  We drew pictures and wrote poems, and generally got VERY MESSY!

   Last Friday we celebrated the Independence Day by learning a bit of history about how the United States became its own country, making paper fireworks, and having a patriotic snack of red, white, and blue fruit. (also practiced our dexterity by putting the fruit on our own skewers!)

    This week we are kicking off our summer program and starting out by learning about the rain forest.  Today we learned that the rain forest has 4 layers: the emergent, the canopy, the understory, and the forest floor.  We also taste tested lots of food from the rain forest: peppers, tomatoes, avocado, papaya, mango, and banana.  And smelled flavors from the rain forest: vanilla, cinnamon, turmeric, ginger, and cocoa.  We are definitely having a lot of fun with the rain forest.