We wished them all the best for their free life!
After they were gone, our friends were missing them and so we decided to make our own butterfly garden.
Tracing flowers for butterflies to suck nectar...
Coloring and cutting butterflies...
For letter O we made collages, and other activities include making an Ocean and Octopus
O collages...
Friends discussed about the oceans, deeply exchanging thoughts about what was familiar to them in the book, and then made their own...
Through discussion...
Deep interest...
time to make one!
Making an Octopus involved fun math skills of counting and pasting. Each tentacle of the Octopus was numbered and they had to stick the equivalent number of Cheerios on them. They sat there persistently focusing to nail the project down. Some needed more help, but others easily figured it out and showed immense interest too...
Making Orange juice was equally fun. We involved a lot of sensory experiences by touching, smelling, tasting the oranges. Squeezing them was a challenge that all the friends undertook with pride. We squeezed most of them manually before we introduced an electric juicer. Most of the tried using both, manual and machine. Thus, we discussed the difference in effort and outcome between doing things manually or with a machine. They were so observant about the electric citrus juicer changing direction each time it stops. Some even pretended to be electric juicers by turning their bodies around to one side and then the other. Overall, everybody enjoyed the conversations and the entire activity of Orange juice.
We added a little math element here...I gave them each a coin with a number stuck on it. After lunch we opened a juice stall and they had to go to Teacher Thaovy who was managing the Orange juice stall and buy juice. The rule was they had to try recognizing the number on their coins in order to buy the juice. It was so much fun and they enjoyed the guessing too. It was a great way for number recognition with the fun aspect of buying and selling!
R's parents volunteered to come introduce cutural diversity through the festival of Holi. Holi is a Hindu festival of colors (performed commonly in India) and we all had through fun that day.
R's parents talking about the importance of the holiday/festival...
Getting our gear on by putting on our white T-shirts to experience the fun of colors on us...
Powder colors...
Squirting color water bottles...
Next day, we made Gochi, which is a dessert preferably made in Indian homes during Holi...
Ingredients: puff pastry sheet, bananas, apples, and cranberries (as inside fillings), and sweet condensed milk.
Other highlights of that week...
Enjoying Gacky Goo...
Building with Legos..
I just want to share this cool picture that holds so much in it. It looks so peaceful and I just love it so much that I keep looking at it. The girls were having a pretend sleepover and reading each other bedtime stories. Also notice the involvement of boys around and their body language, very interested but respectful. It is just sooo sweet!!!!
I will see you around.