The children really enjoyed gluing or taping different items on each page to represent numbers 1-10. They also wrote each number and made a cover for their book. Then they had a good time looking at each others' books, counting items and seeing all the different things you can use to count.
The children also used their scissor skills to cut numbers out of magazines and glue them on a paper to make a number collage.
This task proved tricky for some children as they had to distinguish numbers from letters on busy magazine pages, then use complex scissor skills to cut out sometimes very small numbers from the middle of the page. Some children enjoyed this challenge and worked diligently to find as many numbers as they could while others were content to only attempt to cut out very large numbers or the page numbers at the bottom of the page. It was interesting to see how each child problem solved to come up with their own unique collage.
Over the last few weeks we have also been caring for and watching silkworms grow. Just as it was with our painted lady butterflies, silkworms have a life cycle of egg, to caterpillar, to cocoon, to insect. It has been fun to see the children make connections from their previous experience and predict what will happen next. Unlike our painted lady caterpillars, these silkworms require us to provide fresh leaves everyday and to clean up after them!
The children have been great caregivers to the silkworms and, in return, the silkworms have provided great new ways to understand how animals grow and change.
Pretty soon our silkworms will be big enough to go through their metamorphosis and emerge as fluffy white moths.
Love and Good Things, Teacher Aimee, Teacher Rashida,
and Teacher Thaovy