Last week were on a busy schedule with cookie decoration day, crazy hair day, and crazy dress day. But again, we were excited to enjoy them as they were approaching one by one! On Friday friends were asking if there was another fun day tomorrow :) Being crazy is what runs in our blood ;) and thus, we keep finding moments to hatch out of our regular day for a while to get Kra-Z :)
Cookie decoration...
Ummmm!!! Scrumptious cookies!!!
Friends couldn't wait after seeing the final product in politely with permission from parents and teachers, they just inhaled the cookie enjoying it to the last crumb :) Well not to say just children, but even parents ;)
Family cookie time :)
Thank you parents, for being such great and enthusiastic participants.
We also did face and hand painting after we finished decorating and enjoying our cookies...
Crazy hair day was perfectly crazy and it was interesting to see the different hair styles that were done...
L's crazy ribbon hair...
S' Christmas tree hair...
K's multiple pony tails...
G's Elsa style hair...
D's hair, a mixture of braids, pony tails, and bows...
Now this is super cute...I was styling M's hair giving him a mohawk look with some hair gel. The girls saw me and wanted to be like hairstylists too. Somehow they managed to ask a class mate to get ready to be their customer. A agreed and the girls hands were ready to style. A's hair was fully gel massaged! In the end, A had mohawk all around his hair ;) ;) ;)
Other activities during the week...
Finger painting for the classroom theme winter canvas which now sits right above our couch.
Each friend did their part and were awesomely great at using only their pointer finger...dip and paint, dip and paint, was their pattern at work...
A said it is a falling snowflake!
S making the golden sun!
It's getting filled and more scenery is showing up with the blue sky, sun, and winter storm, as well as the green grass under with colorful flowers and butterflies!!!
We also made customized bells for our holiday performance...a good hand eye coordination activity...
Tying the bells...
We enjoyed playing with the created snow throughout the week. The addition of penguins made it more exciting and long lasting. They lined them up saying that penguins always walk in a line, while some made penguin families, snow mountains where the penguins slid down, and narrated their creative stories.
A set of friends one day got super involved with building structures with Popsicle sticks...It was truly incredible to see how they worked to put it together, and the amount of time and persistence they reflected!
For letter C, we made letter C collages using crayons, caps, chalk, and cotton. It was interesting to see their different styles and use of these open ended materials. Some friends collages it one by one, while some friends stacked material one into the other and figured out ways to stick them :)
We also made candy canes ornaments for our tree...
And later hung them on the little tree...
Friends were so busy last week to create a surprise gift for parents. Using their little fingers they made beautiful wreaths as a keepsake forever!!!
Making the wreaths...
Putting their hand made presents in the parent pockets as a surprise!!!
Happy holidays!!!
See you all in the New Year!
Teacher Rashida.