Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Water week and Branham Park field trip!

Hello Purple Room families,

During our "water week," friends got engaged in working with activities involving water and learning the different properties of water. It wasn't just about swimsuits and splashing outside this time (although we did that too), but exploring different ways that water affects materials and how it feels in different contexts.

The science of oobleck (water + corn starch)...

Water, oil, and food color experiment...learning about density!

Making music through pipes under water...

Watercolor dripping using droppers...

Enjoying water pools and water play outside...

Learning about evaporation and absorption and putting the learning to practice by painting with water, watching it darken the paper, and then disappear through evaporation...

Learning about reversibility (freezing and melting) through fun with ice cubes...

Learning about frozen foods brought in by a friend to share...

Branham Park Field Trip!

No words needed, the pictures will speak a thousand words! Enjoy!

On our walk we talked about roads, rules, litter, trees, safety, and read lots of signs and symbols that we came across...

It was indeed one of the most fantastic trips on our list! Friends still keep asking about going there again...we all had a blast!

All our friends were so interested in learning all about the sand and beach and oceans. This will surely be weaved into our curriculum!

Keep seeing y'all around,

Teacher Rashida

Friday, September 2, 2016

Spirit week...

Hello Purple Room Families,

The spirit week is always an awaited one where friends love to face each day with a positive attitude and participation! This week we indulged in different activities related to the day's theme and children enjoyed working on those...

Some children chose to wear their favorites ones while some children thought out of the box and creatively made these at home with their families...

This day children got involved in talking and sharing about different sports and teams that they knew...they were wearing Jerseys and cheering for their best loved teams. The topic of the upcoming Olympics was discussed and children got engaged in creating the Olympic Rings!!!

They also worked on making LANTERNS...

Some friends played stick hockey where the paint brushes was their stick and they made goal posts out of Legos!

Friends also finger painted baseballs and made a stick-like pattern from what they knew the baseballs look like...


Friends got involved in discussions about different kinds, color, length, and even people with no hair. They were learning all about the similarities and differences that exist in our diverse world. They also compared each other's hair :)
We talked about the hair salon and things like haircuts, lollipops :), hygiene of washing hair, using hair gels, and hair accessories came up.
They further worked to collage crazy hair out of different materials...

Sensory using HAIR GEL...
Friends filled in ziplock bags with the cool, aromatic, soft feeling hair gel.

Then they added their choice of food color to the hair gel solution and saw the fancy mix that was the result!

Some friends also added our most popular art material - glitter!!!

Then they enjoyed squishing the bags and watching the formation of streaks and new colors...

The K family matched their outfits with superhero capes...

We talked about the mix match concept of how its embedded in our daily lives...for example, playing the matching game... wearing mix or match dresses...and how sometimes two opposite things can compliment each other, for example a yellow banana sitting next to a red rose flower.

Mix match magnetic dolls where they either matched their tops and bottom or mixed them to add humor...

Creating mix match dresses for people dolls..

Mix match of colors...

Mix match of colors using an overheard projector..

Working on matching the dinosaur flashcards...

We introduced children to Walt Disney and shared the factual history behind the scenes. Each one of them got a turn to share about Disney related talk during circle time...some spoke about the Disney world, while some spoke about their favorites shows, movies, and characters.

We saw a short clip on the old Mickey Mouse and the new one and did some compare and contrast. Later friends designed their own Mickey Mouse puppets...

The imaginary trip to Disneyland brought an end to our spirit week's tour. We enjoyed every bit of every day with the same enthusiasm and energy!

Keep seeing you around!

Teacher Rashida