We were all happy to reunite after the Thanksgiving break and our kiddos shared all about the fun they had. Soon we got involved in our weekly letters, as many of our kids are inquisitive to know what the letter of the week is.
Letter N
We started our Nature walk. Children got a checklist and a clipboard to check off things as they found...

The next day we went to collect some natural/found materials...

They collaged their collection...

Then the children made contact paper nature art by laying down materials in a creative way..

We also made and enjoyed NACHOS! We set it up like a self-serve restaurant and friends made their own plates with their own choice of nacho ingredients. They had quite a few to choose from, and each had their own take on a proper nacho recipe. :)

We also collaged letter N with nests and nets...

Working on "This is Me in November"

Letter T
The highlight of letter T week was the game of Tic Tac Toe. We introduced the game and discussions ran for quite a while. We learned about vertical, horizontal, diagonal lines, turn taking, making moves, and thinking ahead. :)

Tissue art...

Collaging letter T with tape art...

We also learned the difference between a gentle TOSS and an overhand THROW using bean bags and practicing our aim.

We made TEAL and for someone TURQUOISE play dough...

They loved creating figures out of TINKER TOYS...

And made TORCHES...

Learned the skill of TOPS spinning...

Practicing TRACING...

Made TOWERS...


Our engagement with letters, activities, and fun continues to the next episode! Stay tuned :)
Till then , keep seeing you all around,
Teacher Rashida.