I would like to fill you in on some of the things we do daily in our classroom.
Community Circle - In our daily circle we begin with our days of the week song which we follow up with talking about the date. We count to the number of the date that it is, for example on October 20th we count to 20. After the date we discuss the weather using the weather board. The children decide if it is cloudy, sunny, windy, or rainy then we take a vote as to whether it is hot day or cold day. After we finish that we talk about our current letter of the week, this is a good time to read a book that has to do with the weeks theme. We wrap up with either journal time, special activity time, or special guest.
Weekly Letter Theme - Every week we focus on a letter and things that begin with that le
tter. The letters and themes we have done so far are:
a - apples (we made apple crisp)
b - bikes (Coach Kristen came and talked to us about bike safety)
c - carrots (we made carrot cake) and camping (we brought in our camping gear and had a party)
d - dinosaurs (we learned a very fun song about dinosaurs)
e- eggs (we ate green eggs and ham)
f - fruit (Miss Erin the dietitian came in and talked about how good fruit is and we had fruit salad)
Next week we will be learning about G.
Teacher Kate
Community Circle - In our daily circle we begin with our days of the week song which we follow up with talking about the date. We count to the number of the date that it is, for example on October 20th we count to 20. After the date we discuss the weather using the weather board. The children decide if it is cloudy, sunny, windy, or rainy then we take a vote as to whether it is hot day or cold day. After we finish that we talk about our current letter of the week, this is a good time to read a book that has to do with the weeks theme. We wrap up with either journal time, special activity time, or special guest.
Weekly Letter Theme - Every week we focus on a letter and things that begin with that le
a - apples (we made apple crisp)
b - bikes (Coach Kristen came and talked to us about bike safety)
c - carrots (we made carrot cake) and camping (we brought in our camping gear and had a party)
d - dinosaurs (we learned a very fun song about dinosaurs)
e- eggs (we ate green eggs and ham)
f - fruit (Miss Erin the dietitian came in and talked about how good fruit is and we had fruit salad)
Next week we will be learning about G.
Teacher Kate