Friday, September 20, 2013

Bugs and Transportation....

Hello Purple Room,

Our kids have had varied interests this week, including transportation, bugs, and music.

It started with making roads...

It was lot of trial and error and hard work. It turns out that whole wheat flour makes good bread but terrible playdough, so we had to try again with plain flour. Still, play dough roads are not sturdy, so the next day we had to add sand and glue, it also worked better for the signs to stay erect!

We are still working on cardboard cut out school buses. We still have lot of work to do for that. Hopefully we will have finished products to share next week. Imagine a school bus manufacturing plant moving to San Jose :)

James Green, a local artist came to do a Drumming and Drawing class on Tuesday.

Bugs, spiders, beetles and ants (yes, live ones) now grace our light table. We are talking about feeding them, taking care of them, and eventually letting them go back to their natural habitats.

On the other yard, we decorated the tree branches with our pine cones..

We've had a great week and look forward to continuing on Monday. Enjoy your weekend!