This week we also spoke about the "From" concept in mailing (coordinating with F week) and most of them now remember to write their names on the envelopes that they are mailing out!
This week we were more creative with our cardboard pipes. the children are continuing to build structures, balance two pipes on one another, and are now adding the complexity of placing both pipes on a table. Wow! It's definitely not easy. Lottttttts of eye, hand, and planning coordination are required, along with total teamwork!
Later in the week, we also played a game of golf using our pipes, ping pong balls, and a wand!
Our light table was busy the entire week with our children growing more comfortable each day, both with imagination and with making new prints with their "F"ingers or Hands!
P said, "Its an eathquake"
D said, "I am making a monster!"
D said, "I am making a hand print!"
S said, "These are two snails!"
I am perpetually amazed by their creativity!!!
This week during circle time they requested that we do the "Five Little Pumpkins." They remembered about the drama production they had put on a couple of weeks back and wanted to enact the same with the dialogues, while I read the story and displayed it using felt. They did wonderful and I should tell you, they acted out very well and did their best with speaking up the dialogues. They enjoyed it so much that I am thinking of doing some more dramas in class. Any requests?
As per their interest, we later got engaged in making out own story display for "Five Little Pumpkins" during our station time.
We also decorated the letters to labelname our kindness tree - "FRUITS OF KINDNESS!"Each week we are growing more and more fruits and every time they grow one, they feel soooo proud of themselves!
Some other interests were finishing Mr./Ms. Sun; birthday elephants and their backdrop; making an 'Astrobo' costume (Robot with an Astranaut helmet!); and, birthday cards for our friend with an upcoming birthday.
This week we also introduced children to the letter 'F'.
Some 'F'un that we had with this letter was by making letter 'F' collages using materials that start with letter F, making Fish craft, Finger painting the Flag, Discussing F letter words, Face painting, painting Finger nails, and making our Friendship soup. The entire week we also spoke about the different ways we can be good Friends and read a few books relating to the same topic. The Friendship soup gave them a message of how each ones contribution could make a difference, and we discussed the same idea at circle time. We also touched on the nutrition and healthy veggies!
Kitty Club!!!
Group Time...Say Cheeeeeeze!
An Airplane!
Its soup time now!
...Until the last drop! ;-)
Next week has its own charm with the Harvest Festival, the Halloween Costume Parade, and Trick-o-treating! This week we also brainstormed ideas about things that we would like to do on the Harvest Festival. We are stacked with wonderful ideas from our creative children and will try our best to incorporate most of it. The idea of 'Decorations' came up, and we have already started woking on it. This week we will keep adding to our list of ideas!
Already practicing parade with a hula hoop train! :-)
See you all next week!