For the foam balls, we worked two by two like a team. It was remarkable to see them work in collaboration and figure out ways to fill the ball :-) practicing fine motor skills, for example, holding it, turning it, poking pipe cleaners was all done very carefully, especially keeping in mind that they are working two by two. Yippie and thumbs up for my kiddos!
Spaghetti ornaments...
Hanging them...
We have also been reading many books on Christmas and talking about the different things we see during the December holiday (Winter) month. This inspired us to make a 'W'inter Scenery' which now sits on our purple wall!
For letter 'W', we made collages using cutouts of wagons, worms, and winter.
On Friday, Purple room and Blue room friends decided to combine. Teacher Kristina shared about her favorite sport and had also bought her snowboard and other related accessories for show and tell. Our friends got a chance to try them and pretend to go snowboarding! Thank you teacher Kristina for this share!
Later we made 'W'affles and inhaled them outdoors ;-)
It was a busy week and still our friends have tons of decoration ideas in their minds. We will try our best to fit the most!
I hope to see you all on Friday, at 3:30 pm for our holiday performance!