Friday, February 14, 2014

Building race tracks, Letter 'R'

Last week Monday morning we added wooden blocks to our building area. The children right away started building race tracks and were also surprised to know that what they were building starts with the letter R. One child said, "race cars go on race tracks; and, both start with the letter R". Bravo! They are getting the letter recognition concepts now!

Working to make a square race track with pit stops!

They made the letter 'M' and said they were going to zoom the race cars down the steep slope...

Racing the cars in the basket...

Making garages/parking lots for race cars...

Later we made our own race cars and numbered them with our favorite number...

Painting cars...

Adding wheels...

Pretending to be the race car drivers...

Friends saw the Valentines day card up on the calendar and counted every day during circle time. We began discussing about love, who we love, why do we love, what do you do for the people you love and many more talks. So we thought to make Valentine collages for our purple room wall and the children also got a chance to express their feelings through this wonderful art!

For the letter R we made letter collages using red party streamers to make roses, stamps of rabbit, rainbow, roses, rhinoceros; and, cut outs of robots, roses, running, and letter R stickers.

'R'ubber bands with Geo Boards was an interest that continued for the entire week and they asked me to open it everyday. Initially they took a while to figure out how to manipulate the rubber bands. But mastery was not far away! Check out some fascinating creations!

We read the book, "Rainbow Fish" and subsequently worked to make our own rainbow fish. Then the book ends with the rainbow fish giving one shiny scale to other fish who had none. So all the fish now look the same with one shiny scale and play well together happily ever after. While they made their fish, they also spoke about which colors they would like to give from their own fish if a friend needed one. Each child also got a chance to mention one thing he/she would do to make a friend happy/smile.

'R'ollers were fun both indoors as well as outdoors.

Indoors we made different stamps on our papers...

Outdoors we used them with water to paint things around (fence, house, baskets)...

We also incorporated some 'r'unning, 'r'iding, 'rocking', and going in 'r'ounds while we were outdoors...


round and round spins the merry go round!

Last week it 'r'ained (as if just for our letter of the week R), and our friends got excited to taste the rain and collect it in buckets...

Though not much rain water was collected, the anticipation of the bucket getting full was super exciting!

Some other fun activities we did were making teams and playing the put the 'r'ing around the 'r'ocket game and making 'r'ainbow 'r'ockets! Whoever scored, made a point for their team. It was great to see them cheer for each other and give tips to each other. The first day was a tie. The next day it was 3 - 6 for team A and team B respectively.

Last but not the least we cooked our 'R'aviolis. We saw and spoke about boiling water that helps us cook/steam many foods.
Here are our chefs popping in the raviolis in the water. They said the water quite made a splashing sound and looked like throwing rocks in a river. :-)

We are eating the ravioli. Some chose to eat it with pasta sauce while some wanted to try them without.

Overall we had a 'R'avishing week!

I will be flying to India this weekend, so I will see you all back on the 3rd of March. Until then, take care. Have a Happy Valentines day!
