Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Growing silkworms, Mother's Day, & Grad prep!

Hello Purple Room Families,

During the last few weeks we have had been busy watching our silkworms grow and become more playful. Friends observed their cycle little by little and got engaged in a lot of discussions. The loved to talk about the anatomy of the silkworms, especially after reading a few nonfictional books.

Friends took the silkworms out of their habitats wanting to pet them..they played and talked with them and even learned that they can crawl upside down as well as lift their front bodies trying to check out friends :)

An upside down crawler...

They even wanted to know what would happen if they brought two silkworms close...they said they are asking each other to be friends and play just like we do...

Another interesting thing friends noticed was when the silkworms were placed upside down on a table, they rolled over and immediately got on their bellies...friends tried it over and over again to confirm that this was a natural reflex...

Creating a habitat on the table and seeing the silkworms munching the leaves...some friends said that if it were very quiet, maybe we could even hear them munch :)

Closely looking at the eyes, legs, body patterns, the tiny horn on the back, and the heads.

Measuring the silkworms..according to friends they ranged between 6 to 8 inches long...Great measurement skills and learning how to read the ruler.

Soon they started making cocoons...

It was interesting to see some silky threads and the silkworms in the process of making cocoons. Their cocoons were still transparent and we could see them nested inside working hard to do what they needed to do :)

Lots of observations during the weeks were jotted by friends in their journals...

We are eagerly waiting to see them come out of their cocoons and friends have many images in their minds of how and what they are going to look like. Our observation will soon reveal the facts.

Mother's Day...

All the children were super excited to make fun presents for mommies. They couldn't wait to see the same excitement on mommies' faces when they receive their presents.

Friends made flowers to greet mommies on their special day!

Giving a custom-made rose to Mommy and telling her how much she is loved...

Presenting Mom with our handmade cards with a special message...

Presenting mommies with our decorated flower pots and the choice of flower that friends thought is their mommies favorite...

Inviting and taking mommies for a brunch in the kitchen and first asking what would she like to eat...very hospitable my friends...

Enjoying the brunch with mommies...

Thank you everyone for your special letters to your children. We read them during lunch time and everyone was so proud of themselves. They all had a smile and a shine in their eyes that proclaimed their happiness when they heard your letters being read. I am so happy to say that each one of you is blessed with a wonderful guys rock!

Friends later chose to put the special letters from mommies either on the carriage or on the door....

Thank you all for being a part of this celebration. Hope you all had a wonderful Mother's Day!

Other activities friends loved...

Finger painting...the rule was one finger per paint. They did an amazing job taking time to remember which finger gets dipped in what color and most of them stayed completely on task!

Name art on sandpaper with chalk pastels...this was an amazing feel of textures and the pastels worked wonderfully on the sandy paper.

Fine motors and patterning with perler beads...


Graduation is another proud topic running around our classroom. Wit pride to show parents their performance, decorations, and all the prep, our children are taking a lot of interest and effort in working to their best potential.

Making a special picture that will be revealed on the day of graduation :)

Working on the banner in two groups...

Happy birthday L!!!
L turned four and we enjoyed his birthday party with cupcakes and pizzas. Thank you for a wonderful treat!

Keep seeing you around!

Teacher Rashida

Friday, May 22, 2015

The Fashion Costume Ball!

Hello Purple Room Families,

We started decorating the classroom for our Ball Party since decorations were the first thing on our to-do list. Parents helped out with the effort too. We used streamers to make the middle stage, flowers to put everywhere, candles all around the classroom to create the ambiance, and lights.

Decorations going in full bloom...

Children exploring the strobe lights...

How can there be a party without balloons?

Our disco ball stage...

The princesses worked together to help set up the cupcake table elegantly...

While the others were checking to see if their swords and shields were present at the table...

Our dance started at 10:00 sharp and all our invited guests started coming one by one..

We danced on slow music, waltzes, and others, and had so much fun...

Thank you Blue Room for joining us!

Thank you Rose Room for being a part too!

Thank you Green Room for making it to the party!

Everybody enjoying dancing under and around the disco ball and the strobe lights..

At the same time the carriage was operating since many more people were coming in the carriage to the Ball party...the royal horse riders were always ready to give the royal passengers a ride...

Children waved as the carriage drove off...

After all the dance and carriage traveling, we gave ourselves and our guests a cupcake snack...

Later we set out on a parade to protect our castle with our wands, and swords, and shields proudly raised high...

The parade was a great success and such a feeling of pride, strength, protection, and togetherness...

We had great moments of walking on the royal carpet to the carriage...

Clicking pictures...

And last but not the least enjoying our lunch party!

This was not it...the next day we again had a ball party for our friends who couldn't make it the day before. With all the decorations still up and the excitement still within, this party was no less than the first...children danced, ate cupcakes, and paraded in the class...

More fun pictures will be available on flickr. Please contact Jennifer to know how to access them if you are not already following our photostream. Thanks!

Teacher Rashida.