Our Royal Ball was approaching and we had to work hard since now we had a deadline. Our friends wanted to invite the entire school and so we worked on a formal invitation card and personally went over to invite each classroom.
Signing the invitation card...
Inviting our neighbors :)
At the same time, we were busy putting our carriage together...
Painting the carriage white...
Adding decorations and gluing them onto the carriage..
Adding lights to the horses and the carriage...
Adding chairs to sit and a trunk with seating and storage...
Adding the shimmering rooftop...
Tada..now our magical carriage was ready to go..
The proud horse riders taking the princes and princesses to magical lands...
Carriage riders coming up with unique destinations...
Our dance practice for the ball party continued with full excitement. Each one of them was getting better with their dance postures and steps...
Thank you to all the families for taking out time together to create these amazing scrapbook pages. Yes, children always want to know about their friends' families and pets and the fun stuff they do. This project is the best compilation and we are going to treasure it forever. Children and parents have been so involved in reading and looking at each friend's page, both from Purple Room as well as Blue Room. This week each child got to talk about their page as to how they made it, what they put in it, describing their family, culture and tradition to their other friends.
it was great to learn about different families and what they like to do together, which helped us know our friends better!
Earth Day...
We put together the planet Earth food snack using rice cakes, blue cream cheese and green grapes..
N spreading the water on his planet earth...
K adding her land areas...
We also made two color play-dough and made our own 3 dimensional Earths with the concept of shape, land and water in mind...
S first made a blue planet and then added her green land...
D mixed both blue and green and then rolled it into the shape of a ball...
We also spoke about saving paper and water, recycling materials and other ways to keep our planet beautiful and safe for everyone to live and enjoy!!!
Keep seeing you'll around.
Teacher Rashida