A couple of weeks back some discussion led us to the exploration of coconuts!
We talked a little about the coconut trees (while reading the book called Chika Chika Boom Boom), the different kinds and colors of coconuts, and things that come out of the coconut as well as the use of coconut shells. Friends felt it, knocked on it, estimated how heavy it was and even discussed what would happen if it fell on someone's head from a great height.
We read a few facts and came to know that there are a few soft spots where it is easier to make holes for draining the coconut water out...we colored them making facial features. We put nails in them and collected all the water in a beaker. Many friends were not aware of coconuts and guessed different colors of the water that will come out. With keen observation we concluded that the water was whitish blue!

We then cracked the coconut in half...saving one as it is and taking out the flesh from the other half...

Teacher Rosemary did a tough job here :)

We used one half as a bowl to hold the coconut flesh and poured the water in cups for a taste test!

L was feeling so proud to hold the coconut bowl!

Friends tried the flesh first...well! There were mixed ratings here, some loved it while others wanted to throw it out. What's most important is that everybody tried!

We then tasted the water. With various hypotheses that the water would be sweet, sour, bitter, no taste, it was finally found that the water was nothing of those, rather a very different taste that was hard to explain. I guess you need to be used to the coconut water flavor in order for it to pass the test ;)

Wow! After quite a few weeks, the moths hatched from their cocoons. We even saw many hatching out. It was an amazing event that left us astonished. Friends were wondering if they could pick them up. We googled a few articles and read that it's not ok to pick them but it is ok if they walk over your fingers. Friends followed the rule and waited patiently for a walking moth to climb on their waiting fingers...they were super excited when this happened!

The girls got busy during the week making a 3D home for the moths. Here they described the green as outside grass for the moths playtime, the little bed, the tiny rooms for his visitor friends, and some toys and dresses!

The special master bedroom for the moth :)

Graduation was fun, including all the prep, the practice, and the actual day. Our friends have put in every effort to make the day and the classroom THE BEST!
Girls helping add sparkly tassels and purple ribbons on the main banner...

Other friends gluing reflective cd's and adding glitter over the letters...

Every friend signed their name on the welcome board for parents...

Parents, thank you for all the wonderful food and treats!

Tada our stage!!! We really miss it now :(

Recently friends have been doing a lot of writing especially on clipboards. They are writing letters, stories, and even taking roll call like a teacher :)

Also the heat gives our creative children new ways to find out how to cool ourselves. Friends found these huge leaves and made them into fans and umbrellas to cool off with the added enjoyment of a teacher spraying them with mist!

Stay hydrated and cool, I so wish that the best place to live in summer was inside the pool ;)
Keep seeing you around.
Teacher Rashida