There was a lot of excitement rolling around with the knowledge that we have two fun events happening in two weeks!
The first was our teddy bear picnic...
Our friends had a great circle time, sitting and cuddling their soft bears while we read them a few stories...

Playful bears...

Friends shared three things about their special bears...first their name, then age, and last what the bears like to do..
Many interesting conversations came up and friends found great matches of the bears of same age and name and introduced them to each other!

Later we did teddy graham cracker tasting of four flavors...

After tasting, friends came up to graph their choice one by one as to their favorite flavor...

Later we danced to the "Teddy Bear Toss" song and friends wanted to do it we enjoyed the dance twice...

It was sprinkling that day and so before the picnic started, we decided to make two plans. Plan A was to have the picnic on the grass and plan B was a backup plan to have it under the shed. We spoke a little bit about what a backup plan means. Friends agreed to it. Unfortunately, during the lunch time the showers were heavy and we had to use plan B. However, it was still fun and exciting!

In the end we checked back on our graph and each friend got to enjoy a cup of teddy graham crackers that they chose as their favorite.
Walking to Branham park...
We were all set with our field trip T-shirts to head out two by two. With one parent volunteer with two kids it seemed like an easy walk. Thank you to all the volunteers for joining us on the walk. Thank you to N's mom for giving us an internal residential route that was safe from traffic but full of nature' s beauty!

Walking along the way :)

Fun at the park...
Play Structures...


Friends deciding to hold hands and slide together...wheeeeee

Some truly traditional style phone talks :)


Rocking horses...

Sand box was a wonderful transition from the play structures...friends pretended to drown their feet in the sand...

A group was busy building castles...

Covering feet and pretending to be mermaids...

Flower collecting...

Pine cone and other natural material collecting...

Lunch time for our hungry tummies...

Wow, now this was not a part of the plan...on our way, N's mom generously offered to let our kids do bathroom breaks. All the children were so excited to discover a friend's house. ..

Thank you N for inviting us and letting us explore your house and thank you to N's mom for bearing with this big, 'full of energy' crowd with a was so hospitable of her! Not to forget, friends mentioned that you have a beautiful home!
Later we documented our best part of the field trip with drawings and dictations...

It is time our graduates are leaving and we are bidding them farewell one after the other. With the bittersweet feeling of them leaving as well as transitioning to a bigger phase of life, we are doing whatever we can to help them remember us.
Friends decided to sign a goodbye t-shirt for G and believed that she will think of them wherever she wears it! On receiving the t-shirt, G said that she loves it! We will miss you, G!

Keep seeing you around!
Teacher Rashida