Every week this month we are working on our color combinations.
For yellow and green we made collages using sticking foam pads and materials in different shades of yellow and green.
Friends were putting their spatial design skills into action to create caterpillars, gardens, outer space, farms, etc. Each child's project meant something different to them. Then other friends could look at their end product and say what they perceived it to be too! This was a great opportunity to discuss "abstract art." :)

For blue and purple we worked with plexi glass...friends smushed and knocked and smooshed blobs of red and blue color and observed how their mixture yielded purple!

Picking up the color print on paper..

M was so happy to get the perfect purple he wanted..

K with hands that represented the two colors of the week - Blue and Purple!

Friends even enjoyed free hand painting...

Father's Day...
Friends shared so many wonderful stories all week long about their fun times and experiences with daddies. At the same time we were all geared up to make fun surprises for Daddy!
Making cards with special drawings and messages...

Cutting out ties...

Decorating ties...

Finally putting together everything into a "shirt" card...

Making stepping stones!
Mixing cement...

Decorating it...

Taking daddies out to give the surprise presents...

Enjoying the Fathers Day Brunch with our dads and grandpas and uncles...

During the week we also enjoyed our Pajama and Pancake Day!
Shaking the pancake shake bottle to make the batter...

Making pancakes...

Making popsicles to celebrate the first day of summer!!! This was an exercise in hand-eye coordination and fine motor control to aim the juice into the ice cube tray compartments. It also led to a science discussion of what state the juice is now (liquid) and what we hypothesize it will become (solid) as it freezes.

During their free play, we noticed that friends were involved each day in making different types of zoos in the block area. They made a "ticket counter" with magna tiles and soon started selling tickets. Visitors came from all around the classroom to visit their unique zoo sites :) :)

Keep seeing you'll around,
Teacher Rashida