When we came in after the three day weekend, we immeditaely noticed our flower rainbow. Everyone went to check it out and see the amazing color transformtion in the white roses. We concluded that the color of water they drink is the color they turn into.
With the World Cup going on, some of our Purple Room friends really got into teams and the flags that represent different teams/countries. They got engaged in talking about the different flags, and even drawing them on the paper. Thus, we went ahead and made our own flags.
We started with the discussion about the common themes we find in the flags of different countries, for example, all flags are rectangle, have lines, shapes, animals, symbols and colors. They found red, blue, white, and green as the most common colors used. Additionally, it was interesting for them to see how many countries we have in the world. Also, everyone voted that the flag of Japan was the easiest to make :)
We started making our flags on white fabric by first using markers to draw. We then sprayed them with our choice of colors. Finally, we decorated them with sparkles and jewels.
As a classroom community, friends have been very much interested in helping out with various kinds of jobs. They wanted to clean and scrub tables, help sweep, help with cots, be monitors, be on the lookout, and many others. Thus seeing their interest, we decided to make our own job chart.
Purple Room clean up team spirit!!!
Cot helpers!
Water spraying the white poster board background to decorate it for the job pictures.
Arranging the pictures!
Adding stickers to the outside frame of each picture!
We will continue next week to work on it and finish the job chart making project.
Our hat and glasses day was very silly and colorful. We also ended up making our own hats with construction papers and twisting pipe cleaners.
Other interests that carried for the entire week were playing the bean bag game and playing with cars.
Throwing the bean bag through the target...
See you all around!!!