Last week we dove into rainbow colors as we were reviewing the colors we have been working with so far. 'Rainbows' was the most exciting word, not only for the girls but even the boys. Things that we did related to their interests are as follows:
Drip and blot art with rainbow colors on a shiny printed fabric...
Squeezing rainbow color onto the sponge and then sliding the sponge on easel paper in a rainbow shape. We could see the pattern and the print it left behind :)
S putting the colors as they are in the rainbow...
A checking out his rainbow colors...
After their art work dried, we cut pieces of their rainbows and attached them into one whole purple room rainbow that now sits on the wall over the light table.
We also did a couple of science experiments with them outdoors.
The first one was forming our own rainbows using water, clear glass, paper, cd, and strong sunlight. We tried many combinations and finally exclaimed in joy when we could see the rainbows forming on the paper which was a combination of reflections.
The second one was with white roses and colored water. We spoke about how stems help the water reach to different parts of the plant. We all agreed on this. However, on asking them will the flower turn purple if it drinks/sucks purple water?, many said yes, some said no, while some didn't know at all. No problem. This is a perfect and practical science hypothesis/ prediction that led us to find the answer. Well, if everyone knew the answer, why would we experiment ;)
And then we waited to come back after the long weekend and check the results! It worked- the roses turned the colors of their water:)
Last week we enjoyed seeing the petting zoo and getting to be around cute little bunnies, a tortoise, chickens, guinea pigs, and the donkey. We petted them, brushed them, and even felt their bones with our fingers. All the friends followed great directions and each one was gentle and loving with the animals.
Each one had a fun time with Henry the donkey. They also commented that he looked sad and wanted to love him more to make him feel happy :)
Hope everyone had a fun 4th of July!
Making fireworks!!!
We made the red play dough and Blue Room made the blue play dough. We then traded half and half. Great collaboration and sharing from all our preschool friends!
After we traded half of our ready to use play dough, we got engaged in making an American flag.
Adding the stars!
We also wrote thank you cards/letters to thank the firefighters and let them know how much fun we had.
We now have three new friends joining us and we are so happy to have them as a part of the Purple Room team. It is great to see other friends work with them to show them around, teach them our classroom rules, thus, learning through a lot of peer facilitation.
Welcome L :)
Welcome A :)
Welcome S :)
Keep seeing you all around!