Sunday, March 24, 2013

Fun With the letter O!

As some of you may know, I am new to the blogging world. It has been a while since the last blog, so we have a lot to cover! The Purple Room has been very busy this month! In the last few weeks, we have celebrated birthdays, made lots of fun crafts, and made yummy food! We talked all about the ocean for letter O week. We learned about the different sea creatures that live in the ocean and even made our own ocean in a bottle! We experimented with the color orange. We made orange juice as well as grilled cheese sandwiches that were a hit!

We celebrated two birthdays! Allison turned 5 and Shreya turned 4. We read stories together and ate pizza and fruit.

Letter O week:
We used red and yellow to make the color orange. Messy, but so much fun!

We made oceans in a bottle! Cool!

We made an Octopus. We decorated his tentacles with Cheerios to make the suction cups.

We made orange juice and grilled cheese sandwiches! Delicious!

And as always we had loads of fun outside!

We are looking forward to P week and all the fun that lies ahead!
