Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Highlights before graduation

Hello Purple Room Families,

This is a quick blog that will at least try to get us on the same page!

We did art, letter review and numbers during the few weeks before graduation. Also we were involved in some significant prepping for our much anticipated to special graduation day.

Collage and letter review...

We had observed the hair of our grass personalities grow, and now was the time to groom them. We all lined up to become prospective barbers and engage in a fun/crazy haircut. Many shared their experiences of going to the barber. A friend even mentioned about getting a lollipop in the end :)

We enjoyed our silkworms. We observed them from the egg to transforming into cocoons. Many friends have been talking about the silkworm life cycle in relation to our previously observed and recorded butterfly life cycle. Questions like, "Why do they have life cycles, why don't we transform, what are they going to look like now?" are always creeping into the minds of our inquisitive preschoolers. I didn't explain to them the human life cycle from conception to birth ;) but simply talked about different changes in teeth falling out and coming in, hair getting longer, height, and weight).

We took god care of our worms! Cleaning, feeding, socializing with them, hearing them eat the leaves, making their condos with toilet paper rolls, transferring their cocoons into first, second, or third story were some important aspects we encountered. We even saw how the webs they spun looked like a shiny thread called silk.

Some friends seemed interested in shooting the rubber-bands across the room, while some still forgot about not shooting pretend weapons at friends' faces. Thus, we started working on shooting a photograph with a camera or shooting water with a squirt bottle on a target. We have been having extreme fun using the real camera and have clicked silly pictures of each other trying to capture them in the digital lens. Overall, a lot of pointing and shooting of weapons on faces seems to be diminishing.

Additionally, graduation was a wonderful event and it couldn't have been possible without the efforts of each and every child in Purple Room and our Creative Minds supportive staff and families! Now that's why we always say, "we are sooo proud of them." Graduation was a fun and busy project where we got involved in practicing as a team with Blue Room, sometimes being the performers while sometimes being the audience and always encouraging each other. We made our own t-shirts with tremendous fine motor skills of trying to stay within the lines, made the graduation banner, our self portraits with sharpies and photo paper, and our graduating faces with hats!

Our final practice....

With all that said, I would like to thank all the Purple Troom families that were present to support and encourage our children, and as I always believe, your presence was the best present!

Will keep seeing you around!

Stay cool and hydrated!
