Monday, November 9, 2015

Sewing and letter F

Hello Purple Room Families,

It feels great to be back from my trip and back on track with the regular routine. All our friends told me how much they missed me and it was such an awesome feeling. Just to brush up with what happened in the last month, here is a quick flashback...

Irene, H's mom, talked all about sewing clothes and other upholstery...

She showed us her way of cutting draft patterns based on the measurements taken and then using the paper pattern (like a blue print) to cut the fabric and make a dress...

She showed us a variety of things that can be sewn...

She brought fabric cutouts for friends and friends pretended to be fashion designers...

We gave them dry erase boards to design whatever they like and then use it as a template on the fabric...

A designed a tie...

Other friends were busy and focused in their designing...

L created her own designer outfit with a customized hairband, scarf, and a skirt with a bow...

Friends also got involved in wrapping yarn around the spool. We talked about the use of spools in sewing. It was interesting to see their different, creative, and unique styles of wrapping the yarn...

We also did some actual sewing with big plastic needles and yarn...fiends worked in teams where one passed it from this side and the other pulled it from that side and passed it back, creating a web of designs...

Letter F

We collaged our letter F with feathers and foam...

We worked on F-related still art where we drew the centerpieces as we saw them...

Flower vase...

Peacock Feather...

Fruit basket...

We ended our week by making a eating FRUIT Salad...

We learned all about a Foot (still thinking about letter F!) as a unit of measurement. Friends drew lines measuring a foot - 12 inches - using the rulers.

Working with shapes and lines and other geometric figures with geo boards...

Creating number towers with unifix cubes...

Shape, number, and letter sorting puzzles...

The intriguing science of magnets...

Sensory with Gak and the science of gravity...

I hope you enjoy learning about these things happening in our classroom just as much as we enjoy doing them!

Keep seeing you'll around,

Teacher Rashida.